by Luo Guanzhong

Xuande followed orders, and allocated 1,000 soldiers each to Lord Guan and Zhang Fei. They were both to hide their troops high up on a ridge, and prepare the contaminant made from the blood of pigs, rams and dogs. The following day, Zhang Bao led his men, waving their banners and beating their war drums, out to pick a fight. Xuande rode out to meet them. Just as the two armies began to cross swords, Zhang Bao performed his sorcery. The wind howled and the thunder roared; dust and debris was kicked up by the wind, and a black haze enveloped the sky. A steady stream of people and horses appeared from nowhere. Xuande wheeled his horse around and took off in a dead run. Zhang Bao ordered his soldiers to give chase. As soon as they passed by the hilltop, Guan and Zhang's hidden armies ignited their signal flares, and began pouring down the contaminant in unison. After that, all they could see were paper men and straw horses falling to the ground in great numbers. The wind and thunder stopped in an instant, and sand no longer flew all over the place. Zhang Bao saw that his magic spell had been broken and hurried to recall his troops. With Lord Guan on the left, and Zhang Fei on the right, both armies came out of hiding, while Xuande and Zhu Jun brought up the rear. The bandit rebel army suffered a major defeat. Xuande saw the general of the earth banners, and raced his horse in that direction. Zhang Bao fled the scene, avoiding the well-traveled routes. Xuande shot an arrow at him, which pierced his left arm. Zhang Bao escaped with the arrow still in him; he entered the city of Yangcheng, and dug in. Zhu Jun had his army surround Yangcheng, and then launched an attack. He also sent someone to bring back news of Huangfu Song.
The messenger reported back, saying, "Huangfu Song won a major victory, and because of Dong Zhuo's numerous defeats, the court ordered that Song replace him. When Song arrived, Zhang Jue was already dead. Zhang Liang was now the leader, and was locked in battle with our forces. Zhang Liang lost seven straight battles to Huangfu Song, and was beheaded in Quyang. They recovered Zhang Jue's casket; then they mutilated his body, and sent the head back to the capital so that it could be posted high on a wooden pole for all to see. All of the remaining followers surrendered. The court granted Huangfu Song the title of general of chariots and cavalry, and made him overlord of Jizhou. Also, Huangfu Song submitted a petition to the emperor on behalf of Lu Zhi, emphasizing his innocence and his achievements. The court restored Lu Zhi to his original position. Cao Cao was awarded with a new post as well, thanks to his own achievements. He was made minister of Jinan; he disbanded his army that very day, and departed for his new post."
Continued next week. Tomorrow's installment from Lays of Ancient Rome by Macaulay.
This is one of four great novels from China, published when it was the most highly civilization in the world. Map shows China at the time of this story.
Chapter Summary: Zhang Yide gets angry and whips the County Inspector; Royal uncle He plots the murder of the wretched eunuchs.
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This translation from Wikipedia. See license CC-BY-SA.
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