by Luo Guanzhong

The three of them were depressed, and were wandering aimlessly about the streets of town, when commander Zhang Jun's chariot arrived. Xuande paid him a visit, and recounted all of his accomplishments. Jun was shocked, and raised the issue with the emperor on his next visit to the palace. He said, "When the Yellow Turbans rebelled, it was all because the ten regular attendants had accepted bribes from people that wanted to obtain an official post or title of nobility. They would not hire someone unless he was one of their cronies, and they would not punish anyone that was not their personal enemy. This led to chaos across the country. We should behead the ten regular attendants, and hang their heads on poles in the south area of the capital. Then, we should send emissaries to inform the entire country; the men who have made significant contributions should be given sizable rewards, which will pacify the nation." The ten regular attendants submitted a written petition to the emperor which said that, "Zhang Jun is bullying the emperor." The emperor commanded the armed guards to escort Zhang Jun out of the palace. The ten regular attendants consulted with each other, saying, "This arrangement will certainly cause damage to the men who helped put down the Yellow Turbans. If these people do not obtain posts, it will stir up resentment among them. For the time being, we should instruct the relevant officials to register them for some minor positions. That way, it will not be too late if we need to deal with them later on." Because of this, Xuande was made magistrate of Anxi county, which was under the jurisdiction of the Zhongshan government seat.[11] A date was set for him to take up his post. Xuande led his troops back home and released them from service. He only brought a retinue of a little more than twenty men to Anxi, which included Guan and Zhang. He had been in his position for one month, and not a single infraction was committed against the people. Through his example, the people were all motivated to reform their errant ways. After taking up his post, he ate at the same table, and slept in the same bed, with Guan and Zhang. However, when Xuande was in a public venue, Guan and Zhang would stand beside him all day long in attendance, and not get tired.
Continued next week. Tomorrow's installment from Lays of Ancient Rome by Macaulay.
This is one of four great novels from China, published when it was the most highly civilization in the world. Map shows China at the time of this story.
Chapter Summary: Zhang Yide gets angry and whips the County Inspector; Royal uncle He plots the murder of the wretched eunuchs.
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This translation from Wikipedia. See license CC-BY-SA.
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