by Luo Guanzhong

Let us now turn to the ten regular attendants; by now, they wielded a considerable amount of power. After discussing the issue with each other, they decided that anyone who did not comply with their demands should be eliminated. Zhao Zhong and Zhang Rang sent people to demand gifts of gold and cloth from the soldiers who fought the Yellow Turbans. Their plan was to petition the emperor to dismiss anyone who did not comply with their demands. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun refused to give anything, so Zhao Zhong and his faction petitioned the emperor to have both of them removed from their posts. Moreover, the emperor gave the post of general of chariots and cavalry to Zhao Zhong. Thirteen others, including Zhang Rang, were given honorary marquis status. The government administration became increasingly corrupt, and the people began to complain. After that, a bandit from Changsha named Ou Xing began to wreak havoc; and in Yuyang, Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun rose up in rebellion. Ju proclaimed himself Son of Heaven, and Chun declared himself supreme general. Dire reports came flooding into the capital, but the ten regular attendants hid them all, and did not report them to the emperor.
One day, the emperor was enjoying food and drink in the rear courtyard with the ten regular attendants, when Advisor Liu Tao walked straight in front of the emperor and lost his composure. The emperor asked the reason, and Tao responded, "The world is crashing down upon us, and yet Your Majesty is enjoying wine with the eunuchs!" The emperor responded, "The country has been in a state of continuous peace and prosperity, what crisis are you referring to?" Tao said, "Bandits have risen up in every corner of the empire, and are invading all of the cities and commanderies. The reason for this disaster can be traced to the ten regular attendants, who have taken bribes in exchange for granting positions within the government. They have caused great harm to the people, and have deceived their emperor. All of the honest people within the court have left, and disaster is upon us!" The ten regular attendants all removed their hats, and knelt down in prostration in front of the emperor, saying, "If the head ministers do not like us, we will have no way of surviving! We beg for our lives; we would like to return to our home villages, and donate all of our personal wealth in order to help with army provisions." Their words now finished, they began to weep and cry. The emperor angrily addressed Tao, "Your family has personal attendants, why is it that only I am not allowed this privilege?" The emperor called for the guards to take him away and have him beheaded. Liu Tao yelled back, "I do not care about dying! The true pity is that after more than 400 years of Han rule, it all now comes to an end!"
Continued next week. Tomorrow's installment from Lays of Ancient Rome by Macaulay.
This is one of four great novels from China, published when it was the most highly civilization in the world. Map shows China at the time of this story.
Chapter Summary: Zhang Yide gets angry and whips the County Inspector; Royal uncle He plots the murder of the wretched eunuchs.
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This translation from Wikipedia. See license CC-BY-SA.
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