by Luo Guanzhong

The following day, Cao Cao came to the chancellor's residence, wearing the dagger, and asked about the whereabouts of the chancellor. His attendants said, "He is in the small room." Cao then went in to see him. Dong Zhuo was sitting on the bed. Lü Bu was standing guard at his side. Zhuo said, "Mengde, why are you so late?" Cao replied, "My horse is frail, so I'm late." Zhuo then said to Bu, "I have some fine horses that have recently come in from Xiliang. Fengxian, why don't you go pick a mount to give to Mengde." Bu obeyed the instructions and left. Cao thought to himself, "Now is the time for this villain to die!" He wanted to pull out his dagger and stab him, but was worried that Zhuo was strong, so he did not dare act rashly. Zhuo was large and rotund, and could not bear to sit for long periods of time; so he lay down to rest, facing inwards, away from the door. Cao again thought, "This villain should be laid to rest!" He quickly drew his dagger. Just as he was about to stab, Dong Zhuo unexpectedly looked up and saw the clothes mirror. In it, he saw the reflection of Cao Cao behind him, drawing a dagger. He quickly turned around and asked, "Mengde, what are you doing?"
By now, Lü Bu had already led a horse to the outside of the room; Cao was scared, so he held the dagger and knelt down, saying, "Sir, I have a dagger which I would like to present to you." Zhuo took it and looked at it, it was a little more than one chi in length, and decorated with the seven treasures. It was very sharp, and was truly a prized dagger. He then handed it to Lü Bu, who took hold of it. Cao unfastened the sheath, and gave it to Bu. Zhuo led Cao outside to look at the horse. Cao thanked him, saying, "I'd like to try out this mount." Zhuo then called for a saddle and bridle. Cao led the horse outside of the chancellor's residence, then rode southeast, urging the horse with his riding crop. Bu said to Zhuo, "Just now, it seemed as though Cao Cao was about to stab you; I must have interrupted, so he presented you with the dagger instead." Zhuo said, "I am also suspicious of him."
Continued next week. Tomorrow's installment from Lays of Ancient Rome by Macaulay.
This is one of four great novels from China, published when it was the most highly civilization in the world. Map shows China at the time of this story.
Chapter Summary: Deposing the Han emperor: Chenliu becomes emperor; plotting against the villain Dong: Mengde presents a dagger.
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This translation from Wikipedia. See license CC-BY-SA.
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