by Luo Guanzhong

At the time, there lived a person named Qiao Xuan, who said to Cao, "The world is descending into chaos; only a man of outstanding ability can save us. Are you the one who will pacify the countryside?" When He Yong from Nanyang visited with Cao, he said, "The house of Han will soon fall, this is the person who will pacify the world." Xu Shao of Ru'nan was well known as an astute judge of character. Cao went to see him, and asked him, "What kind of person am I?" Shao did not answer. When he asked again, Shao replied, "You are a capable minister during times of peace, and a master of treachery during times of chaos." Cao was overjoyed upon hearing these words. When he was twenty years old, he was recommended by the local government to an official post, based on his record of filial piety and honesty. He had an entry level post at first, but then was transferred, and became Captain of the North in Luoyang. Immediately after he assumed his new post, he placed more than a dozen multi-colored sticks at each of the four gates of the county. Anyone who violated a prohibition, regardless of prestige or wealth, would be punished. Jian Shuo, the emperor's personal attendant, had an uncle who was carrying his sword around past dark. Cao arrested him while on night patrol, and had him flogged. Because of this, nobody from inside or outside of the county dared break the rules, and his reputation for ferocity became legendary. Later, he was made the governor of Dunqiu. Because the Yellow Turbans had begun their campaign, he was made Captain of the Cavalry, and was put in charge of a force of five thousand, which included horses and foot soldiers. He was to proceed to Yingchuan and assist with the fighting. It just so happened that as Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao were fleeing in defeat, Cao Cao had managed to intercept them, and thereupon launched a massive killing spree. More than ten thousand were beheaded; they also seized a huge amount of banners, gongs and horses. However, Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao had escaped the killing fields; after Cao paid a visit to Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, he immediately led his troops in hot pursuit of Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao.
Continued next week. Tomorrow's installment from Lays of Ancient Rome by Macaulay.
This is one of four great novels from China, published when it was the most highly civilization in the world. Map shows China at the time of this story.
Chapter Summary: Three brave men swear an oath of allegiance at the feast in the peach gardens; our heroes' first achievement is the vanquishing of the Yellow Turbans.
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This translation from Wikipedia. See license CC-BY-SA.
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