by Luo Guanzhong

Just as they were pondering their next move, Pan Yin arrived, and said, "The emperor is already dead. Today, Jian Shuo talked things over with the ten regular attendants; the death is to be kept secret so that they can forge an imperial edict which summons Uncle He to the palace. They would like to take care of any future repercussions, and they would like to hold a ceremony to make Prince Xie the new emperor."
He had not even finished speaking, when the order arrived for Jin to enter the palace as soon as possible so that a successor could be chosen. Cao said, "For now, the plan should be: first, choose the correct successor to the throne; next, deal with the traitors." Jin said, "Who is daring enough to join with me in choosing the correct successor and in prosecuting the traitors?" One man stood up and said, "I would like to ready five thousand elite troops, and we will fight our way into the palace. We will then put a new successor on the throne, and kill all of the wretched eunuchs. We shall sweep through the court until it is free of any impurities, and thus bring peace to the country!" Jin saw that it was the son of Minister over the Masses Yuan Feng, and the nephew of Yuan Wei. His surname was Yuan, and his given name was Shao; his style name was Benchu. He was currently serving as Colonel Director of Retainers. He Jin was overjoyed, and gave him five thousand men from the capital guard. Shao dressed himself in full-body armor. He Jin took more than thirty people with him, including such important ministers as He Yong, Xun You and Zheng Tai. They all filed into the palace, and in front of Emperor Ling's coffin, they helped Prince Bian onto the imperial throne.
Continued next week. Tomorrow's installment from Lays of Ancient Rome by Macaulay.
This is one of four great novels from China, published when it was the most highly civilization in the world. Map shows China at the time of this story.
Chapter Summary: Zhang Yide gets angry and whips the County Inspector; Royal uncle He plots the murder of the wretched eunuchs.
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This translation from Wikipedia. See license CC-BY-SA.
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