by Luo Guanzhong

The following day, the empress dowager ordered that He Jin be made chief of staff. All of her other people were also given official posts. Empress Dowager Dong summoned Zhang Rang to her chambers to discuss the matter. She said, "At first, I helped to advance He Jin's younger sister. Now that her son has become emperor, all of the ministers from inside and outside of the palace are her trusted confidents. She has too much power; what should I do?" Rang addressed her, saying, "You could personally take over the running of the government. You could make Prince Xie the emperor, and rule on his behalf from behind a curtain. You could then place your brother Dong Chong in a powerful post, and put him in charge of the military. If you assign me and my colleagues to important positions, you will be able to accomplish great things."
Empress Dowager Dong was overjoyed. The following day at court, Empress Dowager Dong handed down a decree which made Prince Xie the Prince of Chenliu. Dong Chong was made general of fast cavalry. Zhang Rang and his colleagues were all granted administrative powers to run the government. Empress Dowager He saw that Empress Dowager Dong was monopolizing power, so she organized a banquet within the palace, and requested that Empress Dowager Dong attend. After a few cups of wine, Empress Dowager He stood up, wine cup in hand, and bowed twice, saying, "We're just women after all. It is not appropriate for us to participate in the running of the government. In the past, Empress Lü was given power and as a result, a thousand people of the same clan were killed. We should dwell behind the cloistered walls of the palace. Major affairs of state should be delegated to senior ministers, who consult with each other on their own. This is a good thing for the nation, do you really want to personally run things?" Empress Dowager Dong flew into a rage, saying, "It was you who poisoned Consort Wang out of spite and jealousy. It is only because your son is the emperor, and the mighty He Jin is your brother, that you dare speak such non-sense! I could command the general of fast cavalry to cut off your brother's head with a wave of my hand!" Empress He also responded in anger, saying, "I was using friendly words when I gave you advice, why do you respond with such anger?" Empress Dong said, "You come from a low-class family of meat butchers and wine sellers, what do you know about anything!"
Continued next week. Tomorrow's installment from Lays of Ancient Rome by Macaulay.
This is one of four great novels from China, published when it was the most highly civilization in the world. Map shows China at the time of this story.
Chapter Summary: Zhang Yide gets angry and whips the County Inspector; Royal uncle He plots the murder of the wretched eunuchs. .
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This translation from Wikipedia. See license CC-BY-SA.
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